By: Rod
From: 2723 sardis rd ga
Date: Dec 16, 2014
Is this non stick? How do I season????????????????? Rod
Hello, this pan does need to be seasoned. Here is the information directly from the manufacturer on how to season this pan. Thank you!
"Season cookware before its first use. Clean and dry cookware. Spray the inside of the pan lightly with vegetable oil or use a small amount of shortening. Place cookware on burner at medium for 5-10 minutes, until light smoke or heat waves appear. When the oil/shortening turns a deep amber color, turn the burner off and allow to cool. Pour out liquid oil/shortening and wipe down pan with paper towels until all oil/shortening is removed. Cleaning with a mild soapy solution after each use will not affect the “seasoning” of the pan. OK to repeat this procedure as often as needed without doing damage to the cookware."