QUESTION It reads low.
How to calibrate it?
What are the + and - buttons for?
ANSWER These thermometers have been discontinued. We have added a copy of the instruction manual on the product page that is under the blue Literature tab. Section 4 is regarding temperature deviations. This might help to Calibrate the device. That section is hard to read and we have that section listed below. Hope this helps.
Press and hold “SETUP” button for 2 seconds, the screen displays F1, then press “SETUP” 2 times to enter F3.
Press “+” to add the difference by 0.1 C (0.1 F). Press “– “ button to reduce the difference by 0.1 C (0.1 F).
For seasonal or environmental changes, it is necessary to inspect and debug the inferred thermometer.
By: Sally From: California Date: Feb 17, 2022
QUESTION With fresh batteries in, it keeps saying Lo when it is on body. It seems to do an accurate temperature if it is on surface. How do I resolve so it will take the body temp and stop saying Lo even with brand new batteries in?
ANSWER After you put the batteries in, you need to ensure the switch is selected for Body Temp. Next depress trigger for display to light up and to change from Celsius to Fahrenheit press the setting button on the side of the unit once. Then aim unit between 1 to 1-1/2 inches from forehead and depress trigger until temp appears on screen. If you purchased this thermometer through Wasserstrom and are still having issues, you can contact our customer service at 1-866-634-8927 to check if there is a warranty available for this item. Thank you.
By: Chris From: Ohio Date: Dec 29, 2021
QUESTION What do I do when my NX-2000 infrared thermometer will not turn on even with a battery change?
ANSWER If you purchased this thermometer through Wasserstrom, you can contact our customer service at 1-866-634-8927 to check if there is a warranty available for this item. Thank you.
By: Marlene From: NC Date: Feb 11, 2021
QUESTION I put new batteries in my thermometer and now the sound does not work. Please advise, and thanks in advance.
ANSWER Clipper advised that you will not be able to adjust the sound and the thermometer may need to be replaced. The warranty for the thermometer is 3 months and Clipper will replace the thermometer if it was received within the last 3 months. If you are within the warranty period you can contact Clipper at 310-533-8585. Thanks!
By: sean From: farmington, ny Date: Jan 12, 2021
QUESTION My brand new out of the box NX-2000 keeps beeping hi once the batteries are put in, no temperature is displayed.
ANSWER After you put the batteries in, you need to ensure the switch is selected for Body Temp. Next depress trigger for display to light up and to change from Celsius to Fahrenheit press the setting button on the side of the unit once. Then aim unit between 1 to 1-1/2 inches from forehead and depress trigger until temp appears on screen. Hope this helps.
By: Justino From: Illinois Date: Sep 01, 2020
QUESTION My infrared thermometer says locked, how do I unlock my thermometer?
ANSWER You could try removing the batteries and replacing them to see if that will fix the problem. If that does not work, please contact Clipper Corp. at 310-533-8585. They will send you a FedEx label so that the thermometer can be sent back for a replacement. Thanks!
By: Rich From: Peoria, AZ Date: Jun 27, 2020
QUESTION The NX 2000 I have just received has a trigger and 3 buttons on the screen side (+M-). Which of these do I hold down to get it to read F*.
I have held down the M button for a long period & nothing changes still C.
Please let me no I this model
ANSWER You should be able to long press the "set" key to switch between Fahrenheit or Celsius temperature units. Thank you.
By: Mark From: CO Date: Jun 18, 2020
QUESTION How do I switch the readout from Celsius (C) to Faranheight (F)?
ANSWER Hello, long press the "set" key to switch between "Fahrenheit" (° F) or "Celsius" (° C) temperature units. Thank you!