Oven-Safe Dial (Bimetal)
Reads in 1-2 minutes. Place 2-2½ inches deep in thickest part of food. Can be used in roasts, casseroles, and soups. Can remain in food while it's cooking. Heat conduction of metal stem can cause false high reading.
Instant-Read Dial (Bimetal).
Reads in 15-20 seconds. Place 2-2½ inches deep in thickest part of food. Can be used in roasts, casseroles, and soups. Temperature is averaged along probe, from tip to 2-3inches up the stem. Cannot measure thin foods unless inserted sideways. Not designed to remain in food while it is cooking. Use to check the internal temperature of a food at the end of cooking time.
Alcohol-in-Glass (Volumetric Pressure).
Reads in 1-2 minutes. Can be used in coolers, refrigerators and freezers. Can remain in the cooler, refrigerator or freezer. Has no moving parts.
Digital Instant-Read (Thermistor).
Reads in 10 seconds. Place at least ½ inch deep. Gives fast reading. Can measure temperature in thin and thick foods. Not designed to remain in food while it's cooking. Check internal temperature of food near the end of cooking time.
Digital Instant-Read (Thermocouple).
Reads in 2-5 seconds. Place ¼ inch or deeper, as needed. Gives fastest reading. Good for measuring temperatures of thick and thin foods. Not designed to remain in food while it's cooking. Check internal temperature of food near the end of cooking time.
Oven Probes.
Can be used in most foods. Can also be used outside the oven. Designed to remain in the food while it is cooking in oven or in covered pot. Base unit sits on stovetop or counter.