We all know that food delivery is the hottest trend in the industry right now. But what if you could get a whole restaurant delivered? It’s not a fantasy and it actually happened last week just a stone’s throw from our corporate offices. A new Rally’s restaurant building was delivered on a flatbed recently and put into place.
Tampa-based Checkers & Rally’s Restaurants ordered the modular building that was constructed in Florida by a company called Valiant Modular and then shipped to Ohio. The building is comprised of 4 units that take about 3 days to put together. This all happens about 3 weeks into construction, after which they have a relatively completed structure. The main building is placed first, followed by the restroom unit, the walk-in cooler and then the drive-thru wings. The company estimates that the modular design saves $100,000 per unit in construction costs. In addition, it saves about 2 months in construction time.
Restaurant in a Box
The building ships very nearly complete with all the equipment pre-installed including the fire-suppression system and ventilation hoods. It even comes with all the smallwares needed to get the location up and running.
This new location still needs things like paving and landscaping which can take nearly as long as the assembly of the building itself. All this should be completed in the upcoming weeks and then the building and grounds will be ready for use.
Featured in the video below is Brett Cunningham, Director of Design & Construction for Rally’s & Checkers, who indicated that this new building is just one of about 80 that will be installed across the country this year. Our friends at Columbus Business First were on-site to capture the installation process. Check out the install of this modular building on-site:
In case you can’t read the quick, Star Wars-inspired scroll at the beginning of the video, it says:
Burger Wars
A “Bu” Hope
It is a competitive time in the fast food industry with chains seeking new ways to increase sales and improve business.
Tampa-based Checkers Drive-In Restaurants Inc., which operates in Central Ohio as Rally’s seeks to grow in the market. It has 10 burger driver-throughs selling its signature Big Buford and has aspirations for more.
Unlike many of its burger competitors, the 870-unit company has a secret weapon in its plan to both grow the brand and make margins more business friendly…