Think you know these latest foodservice industry trends? We’ve pulled together some questions you may find tricky but will definitely find interesting in this quiz on restaurant trends in the United States. After you take our quiz, you’ll walk away with at least a couple memorable stats to pull out of your back pocket during happy hour.

How many restaurants are there in the United States?

Correct! Wrong!

Of those 1 million, approximately 77,000 are pizzerias. (Source -

What percentage of total food budgets are American households spending on restaurants?

Correct! Wrong!

As opposed to 25 percent in 1955. (Source -

Restaurant workforce makes up how much of the overall U.S. workforce?

Correct! Wrong!

Although about 40 percent of employees in restaurants and bars work part time. (Source-

What percentage of consumers read restaurant reviews?

Correct! Wrong!

Also business owners should ALWAYS respond to the reviews, whether they are good or bad. (Source -

What percentage of consumers would never eat at a restaurant with less than four stars?

Correct! Wrong!

Encourage customers to leave reviews, an increase of reviews can result in an increase in your natural search traffic through search engines such as Google. (Source -

How many U.S. consumers order delivery or takeout once a week?

Correct! Wrong!

In the past 5 years, the percentage of online orders has doubled. (Source -

What percentage of all restaurants are standalone entities that operate as a single unit?

Correct! Wrong!

And 9 in 10 restaurants have fewer than 50 employees. (Source -

What percentage of all adults have worked within the restaurant industry at least once in their lives?

Correct! Wrong!

Though 30% of restaurant owners and managers said that staffing is the biggest pain point for their business. (Source -

The fast casual restaurant segment account for what amount of all quick-service restaurant sales?

Correct! Wrong!

Maybe that is because fast-casual is known for its elevated food experience — fresher ingredients, tastier items, more choices, and unique ingredients. (Source -

Every dollar spent by consumers in restaurants generates an how much more spent on the US economy?

Correct! Wrong!

And of that $2.05, 48% of each purchase at a local independent business is recirculated locally. (Source -

First year failure rate of restaurants is how much?

Correct! Wrong!

It is commonly assumed that the failure rate is 90%, but that isn't true! (Source -

How many restaurant employees would like to own a restaurant one day?

Correct! Wrong!

Many successful restaurateurs agree that the best preparation for owning a restaurant is to work in someone else's first. (Source -

What is the average party size for a caterer?

Correct! Wrong!

The smaller the guest count, the higher the per-plate or per-person charge is. The higher the guest count, the more is discounted from each price. (Source -

How many caterers in business today own their own kitchen facilities?

Correct! Wrong!

Make sure that your catering business meets all of the standards for food safety as well. You can't cook food just anywhere. (Source -

How many adults get their first job in a restaurant?

Correct! Wrong!

And 7 out of 10 restaurant employees plan to work in the restaurant industry until they retire. (Source -



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