Astra's SM-222 Super Automatic Espresso Machine with Intelliprogram™ smart features allows anyone to deliver the perfect drink every time with the touch of a button. Fully automated from bean grinding to pressurized pouring, these machines are designed with modular parts combined with intuitive features for easy installation, operation, and maintenance. Capable of producing up to 14 different drinks, the SM-222 features a quiet internal motor with rotary-vane Procon pump, easy plumbed water connection & drain hook-up, digital temperature control, and vacuum valve prevents milk from entering the boiler.
The SM-222 features an integrated refrigerator for dairy and automatically cleans and rinses components every 15 minutes and after every drink. Automatic steam wand with self regulating temperature sensor, automatically turns off when milk reaches necessary temperature. Astra's Intelliprogram™ smart features allow for greater control and management, including: pre-infusion options, programmable power cycling, management reporting and troubleshooting capabilities. Programmable 'on/off' feature ensures machine powers up/down on time everyday.
Handcrafted in the USA of US-standard parts.